Hello, I'm Amber.
I am twelve years old.
I am cyber schooled to.
I have misophonia.
When I was about 10 or 11, I noticed that I am very sensitive to repeated noises. Certain noises; Chewing, Clicking etc. I noticed I can't handle it. I talked to my mom about it, and she researched it, the results appeared all "Misophonia" Then I knew. I researched it a bit' more to find out if I was diagnosed with the right thing, and in fact I was. Clicking of pens is horrible. When I was in sixth grade, my one math teacher would click her pen all of the time, literally. She never put that pen down, she held it like it was part of her life. So then I told my mom about that, she actually called my teacher! It probably stopped for around a week.. But it never stayed clear. After all of that, she would start clicking the pen and wouldn't stop! I felt like making a big board to place on the wall that said in bold, "NO PENS ALOUD, NOR' CLICKING" But of course, that would never happen. Only I wish it could.
The next which was horrible was eating with your mouth open, in my case, "Chewing with your mouth open." I know my mom and dad don't try to do it, but it is so annoying! My mom chews gum part of the time, if we're in the car, or on an airplane, she has to do it. I know it bugs her when I ask her to stop, but she knows it bugs me also. Both parts actually, I hate telling her to stop, but my body makes me blurt it out. Sometimes when I let it continue, I am ready to explode, and can't move. All I can do in some situations like that, is plug my ears and wait for either one of them to stop. Now it's not only my mom and dad, it is my friends too! They do the same thing, exspecially with soup, *Slurp, slurp* I am twelve now, and it is getting to the point where I can't cope with it anymore.. I try and tell my mom, but she says to try to ignore it. I've been trying to ignore it for about 3 years now! I am turning 13 in July, and I don't know what to do anymore, when my dad is eating and he sees that my ears are plugged, he puts his food on the wall (A small half wall where you put things on) and he gets all angry. I always feel bad and want to, you know, cry. Usually in situations like this, you have to.

Since I am now home all of the time, 24/7 a day, all day, I am home when my mom eats, lunch, and of course dinner. (I was normally home by dinner any-who) She ends up chewing with her mouth open. I get annoyed, I tell her, "May you please stop chewing with your mouth open!" She also is a stay-at-home mom. Which means she takes business calls any time of day when the customers decide to make a call. (Thanks...) Usually she gets a few calls around lunch time, which is okay because I am upstairs eating lunch, and not down in our office where her business takes place.. But usually, when I say around lunch time, it usually means about 11 or 12 o'clock. I go upstairs around 12:13 P.M. In the afternoon to take lunch. When I am near her when she is eating and talking on the phone at the same time, she is usually talking with food in her mouth, in my case, (Talking with your mouth full) That is the most annoying sound I have EVER heard in my whole entire half-life. (Half life because I am only 12, that is half of your entire life.(: ) Anyway, I know she can't help it, which gets me annoyed, but it is her home to.. My brother also makes annoying repeated sounds when I am in the office to. (He is turning 15 January 25th, 2013) He gets very, very annoyed. More than my mom and dad put together. He always complains to my mom and/or dad about it. But I cannot help but say stop. Sometimes I forget to say "Please" because I get so mad. I usually feel very bad about that. It's just that I cannot help it.
I also have a bad case of anxiety. I have had anxiety for half of my life. I take medicine every night for it. It tastes
so gross! I take it with either, Pepsi, or orange soda (Orange drink.) It tastes bad with either one of them.. If you do not know what "ANXIETY" is, go too this link right here, -->
What is anxiety?
It's my parents and my brother (family) Who I cry about at night sometimes.. It's just so hard to see them get all angry at me for something I can't control.. And I hate to say stop without saying please in some cases, and I also just hate saying stop at all to them! It makes me feel selfish, and it makes me feel like I am the princess of the house controlling everyone.. I HATE THAT!
Instagram --> amber_dancer_grace